Wonderwise Menu

4-H Youth Development

Rainforest Ecologist Community Service Ideas

  • Contact a local tree farm about donating a Christmas tree to a nursing home, homeless shelter, or needy family.
  • Decorate a Christmas tree at a nursing home, hospital, school, or homeless shelter.
  • On St. Patrick's Day, don't only wear something green, care for something green.
  • Design a game for young children related to the Rainforest Ecologist kit.
  • Plant a tree to the parents of each baby born in your community.
  • Paint a mural with the Wonderwise theme over graffiti.
  • Write and product a play about a current issue related to the environment.
  • Plant a garden or tree where the whole neighborhood can enjoy it.
  • Set up a seed or a plant exchange in your neighborhood.
  • Make bird feeders for public places.
  • Create a habitat for wildlife.
  • Get together with friends and make conservation posters for the community center.
  • Encourage your parents to buy products made from recycled materials.
  • Adopt an acre of rainforest.
  • Plant a commemorative tree to honor someone.
  • Create a children's nature garden, labeling plants and trees and scheduling guided tours.
  • Replace trees that have died.
  • If you see a tree that's in trouble, try to save it. Pamper it, water it, or don't water it as the case may be. Find out what's wrong with it and how to make it better.
  • Start an environmental club.
  • Feature community -minded scientists on a school bulletin board.
  • In art class, make plant drawings and decorations for senior citizens.
  • Collect children's science books for the needy.
  • Create a play that teaches young children about concepts in the Wonderwise scenarios.
  • Write or make a picture book about the concepts in the Wonderwise series to read to younger youth.
  • Organize a public issues forum focused on topic discussed in Wonderwise. Become an advocate. Contact your legislators on topics discussed in Wonderwise.
  • Set up an informational display at a local library on the Wonderwise topics.
  • Volunteer to help set up for a community event on the Wonderwise topics.
  • Plant native flowers or plants along highways.
  • Adopt a billboard and use it for a public service announcement.
  • Participate in an annual parade.
  • Plant a community garden. Adopt a town monument and keep it clean.
  • Plant flowers at the town hall.
  • Paint a mural or clean up a local park.
  • Plant flowers in public areas that could use some color.
  • Build park benches.
  • Paint fences or park benches.
  • Clear a new trail at a nature center or park.
  • Clean wooden duck houses before each nesting season.
  • Find out about volunteer opportunities at a local wildlife sanctuary or survival center.

Funding for this Web site was provided by the
Informal Science Education Program of the National Science Foundation